At Franco Muñoz Law Firm, we want to help you understand your rights as a worker. One important topic is the “exclusive remedy rule” and how it affects claims against your co-workers. What is the Exclusive Remedy Rule? The exclusive remedy rule means that if…
What is a deposition in my workers’ comp case?
Have you received a notice by the insurance carrier stating that they want to depose you and ask you questions? What is a deposition? Many of our clients come to us asking for us to represent them when they’ve been mailed a Notice of Deposition. …
Top Financial Resources For Californians Affected By COVID-19 virus
Senator Nancy Skinner who represents Senate District 9 provided us with very helpful information to help people with financial resources that have been impacted by the corona virus. Here’s a recap of the information relayed during the Town Hall, along with additional information about vital…